Summary: | Jalan Tegalgendu and Mondorakan are part of Kotagede District. As part of
Kotagede, it should be imply the images of Kotagede identity. Besides that, in
Yogyakarta City Development Plan (RTRW) 2010-2029, Jalan Tegalgendu and
Mondorakan are pointed as street corridor which imply culture and tourism
images. However, overtime, Jalan Tegalgendu and Mondorakan definitely was
changing, both in terms of physical, social and culture. All of those change
absolutely effect to the image of that street corridor. Therefore, this research is an
effort to identificate the image of Jalan Tegalgendu and Mondorakan. It is done by
observing the condition of land use and perceptions of local community. The
result of this research shows that traditional spaces on Jalan Tegalgendu and
Mondorakan are undergoing a transformation. The transformation of which are
the reduction of traditional buildings, growth of economic activity and shift in
silver production activity. The cause of that transformation is change of
community lifestyles in this more modern era. The change of community
lifestyles, evidently give a significant effect to spaces on Jalan tegalgendu and
Mondorakan. Various conservation efforts to overcome this is already done but
the results shown are not optimal yet.