Summary: | Tourist village is the latest innovation in the tourism sector. In the
development of tourist village need good marketing management. The result of
this research is marketing management in Kalibuntung Tourist Village has not
run optimally. Kalibuntung Tourist Village focusing more out outbound rides and
agriculture than developing the pontetial that alredy exsist. Kalibuntung Tourist
Village including high price and it is not in accordence with the supporting
facilities. Kalibuntung Tourist Village using an intermediary lokal government
(Dinas Kebudayaan and Pariwisata). The goverment distribute information the
Kalibuntung Tourist Village by the tour guide book, brochure, and travel
dialogue. Distributribution information using guidebooks, brocher, and travel
dialogue is more effective and easily communicated to the tourist. Promotion in
Kalibuntung Tourist Village used by the advertisin, wordof mouth marketing,
print media, event and exprience, public trelations, direct marketing, and social
media. Promotion is used by the advertising, event and expriences, public
relations and social media is more efective. Thoses components become an
indicator to know the process of marketing management in the Kalibuntung
Tourist Village.