Summary: | Javan langur is an endangered primate species and endemic in Java, which
is the highest density populated island in the world. To conserve this protected
species under dominated human landscape, understanding habitat characteristics
is an important step for conceiving their adaptation ability. The objectives of this
study is knowing characteristic of habitats that are used by javan langur, knowing
the difference characteristic between habitat used and habitat unused, and also to
know the distribution of javan langur habitat in Petungkriyono protected forest.
Javan langur population in Petungkriyono protected forest under
management of PT. PERHUTANI, in Central Java was choosen for this study.
Sample were divided into used plots and unused plots were placed in the study
location with search sampling technique. Important value index, Shannon-Wiener
diversity index and sorensen comunity similarity index were calculated. Kruskal
Wallis test was used to identify the difference between variable in used and
unused habitats. Binary logistic regression test was carried out to investigate
habitat selection model.
Twenty plots were used and thirty six were unused by javan langur during
study periods in August 2013. Habitat characteristics of the langur were describe
as the following variables: temperatures range between 20-25oC, humidity is
above 50%, medium slope, high vegetation diversity, crown cover is 86,24%, the
number of tree ranges between 150-400 individuals/hectare and average number
of feeding tree is 120 individuals/hectare. Crown cover, trees cover, number of
seedling, pole, trees and feeding trees are significantly different between used and
unused habitat. The presence of javan langur in Petungkriyono is determined by
crown cover and number of feeding tree. Value of determination regression
coefficient logistics is 64,6 % with level of accuracy exactness the presence or
absence of javan langur is 89,3 %.