Summary: | Visually, the landslides happened along the sides of Serayu River is caused
by the scours of water flow. Moreover, the fluctuations in the water level of the
river and soil is also expected to be one of the major contributions of the
landslides. In order to prove this hypothesis, stability analysis of slope is needed.
This method is beneficial to know the safety factor of a surface slope, which the
result will be used for precautions and safeguards purposes.
Project was started by getting all the data, the ground or field test data,
from Land Investigation Report for Plan Development Project Pipeline Bridge on
the River Serayu, Cilacap. Next, the data then interpreted before used in the
breakdown analysis and plan. Stability analysis of the slope was performed using
finite element method and computer program called �Plaxis version 8.2,� and
also the limit equilibrium using �Geostudio 2004 Slope/W Analysis.� The
construction of slope safety (the gabion) was designed manually, then using those
two computer programs, the design result was simulated.
The analysis performed shows that the slope of Serayu River bank, in the
specific segment that was reviewed, is unsafe. Based on the data analysis, safety
factor received from Plaxis, Geostusio Spencer method, and Geostudio Bishop
method were 1.036, 1.179, and 1.204 respectively. Plaxis showed the result of the
safety factor with the consideration of the earthquake is 0.994. In order to
increase the strength of slope, a gabion with the dimension of 3.0 meters for the
base width and 7.5 meters for the total height was constructed. The further
analysis explained that the slope is stable. The safety factor received from Plaxis,
Geostudio Spencer method, and Geostudio Bishop method were 1.247, 1.259, and
1.275 respectively. Plaxis showed the result of the safety factor with the
consideration of the earthquake is 1.191. Furthermore, the gabion was simulated
with an erosion occurs at the edge lower part of the gabion. The safety factor
received from the simulation was 1.088. If the gabion was reinforced with a
bamboo pile, the safety factor received from the simulation was 1.405.