Summary: | This research was conducted (1) to understand the cost of slondok
manufacturing home industry, (2) to estimate the profit gained from slondok
manufacturing home industry, (3) to determine whether slondok home industry is
feasibility in district research, and (4) to formulate the strategic development of
slondok manufacturing home industry for future. The primary method for this
research is descriptive analysis. The research location in Sumurarum Village,
Grabag Subdistrict were purposively determined, that is slondok�s processor, was
choosen by simple random method in order to obtain 30 respondents. Data
analysis was performed by R/C analysis, �/C analysis, labor productivity analysis,
the break-even point analysis and SWOT analysis. The result shows that (1) the
cost in the structure of slondok home industry, raw materials (cassava) takes the
biggest amount, (2) the annual incomeis Rp 43.650.057,71 gained from this
industry with production capacity 87200 kg�s cassava, (3) based on the R/C
analysis, �/C analysis, labor productivity analysis, the break-even point analysis,
this industry is proper to be developed, and (4) this manufacturing home industry
is at quadran 1 as the power factor and the opportunity is more dominant than the
weakness factor and threat. The formula of this manufacturing home industry
development is to use the opportunity and power by increasing product and to
minimize the retailers addictive.