Summary: | Heritage Objects are natural objects and historical man-made objects which
are movable or unmovable, aged at least 50 years, and are considered to have an
important value for history, science, and culture. The condition of cultural
heritage objects that are located in D.I. Yogyakarta, are well preserved but some
of them are abandoned, even in worrying condition. Therefore this project was
presenting the information of cultural heritage objects using GIS Cloud. This
system is purposed to present cultural heritage information so that everyone know
about the cultural heritage objects that are located in D.I. Yogyakarta.
Presentation of cultural heritage object information was built from the
spatial data input and attribute that was created in shapefile format using Quantum
GIS, and additional data such us photographs of cultural heritage objects to clarify
these objects. This project is made using GIS Cloud. The processes of The
processes of this project are by uploading data shapefile or data photos