Streszczenie: | Today there are many damaged forest area due to excessive exploitation.
Forest exploitation also marginalize role of people living around the forest. The
people get only small part of existing yield, while great benefit is taken by
business persons. Therefore, forest resource management should involve people
around forest, it will more increase people responsibility to keep forest
preservation and not ignore local culture variation that reflect local wisdom and
This research was intended to identify the extent of local wisdom
contribute to forest recourse management. It was done in Ngadisari village,
Sukapura district, Probolinggo regency. It used qualitative approach with case
study method. Data was analyzed with qualitative analysis, and presented in
tabulation and description.
Based on result of the research, form of local wisdom of people in
Ngadisari village related to forest resource management and its environment still
exist. The local wisdom are to refrain from cutting pine tree around holy place,
cleaning ceremony around holy place, ritual of asking permit in land preparation
process, selecting fell in forest area, unan-unan, karo ceremony, kasada
ceremony, and pujan kawolu. The matters influence significantly support of forest
preservation covering preservation in production, ecology and social aspect.