Summary: | Erosivity Research conducted in the Bedog watershed which is a sub Progo
watershed located in the eastern of Yogyakarta province. The research objective is
to calculate the value of erosivity using Bols formula that will be used to calculate
the amount of erosion in the study area. Bols formula is one of the many formulas
which is used to calculate erosivity value in Java and Bali.
The input data which is being used for the application of the erosivity value in the
form of rainfall erosivity, the average of rainfall data, average of rainy days and
the average of rainfall in 24 hours. The data is used to find the value of El30 at
each station rain tool for 11 years from 1984 -1994.
The results of this research in order to calculate the erosivity using Bols formula
shows variaty from year to year. Highest value obtained in 1989 amounted to
5819.58 mm / ha / year is located on the slope of Merapi, Dadapan station. Based
on the result, it makes the value of erosivity is high, the urban areas to the south
will have changing its rainfall intensivity. The result of the erosivity calculation
will be used to create Isoeroden map. The map will be a comparison of rainfall
from year 1984 -1994 using the contour lines of precipitation.