Summary: | Friesian Holstein isone of the famous dairy cattle breed in Indonesia
which has a strong structure and producing milk with high production levels.
Therefore, necessary to be developed, conserved and enhanced through
improved the genetic quality selection. Preparation of the breeding program
required genetic information of herd such as heritability. The purpose of this
researchwasto estimate the heritability of milk productionof dairy cattle herd at
Technical Executor Official Unit Area Animal Cultivation Dairy Cows and
Forage Pasture Cikole Lembang West Bandung Regency West Java
Province. Two methods of analyses werenamely paternal half sib correlations
and dam offspring regression were used as a tool to calculate the heritability.
The data used properties of cow milk production were maintained in 2006 to
2012 and total used 81 different calf data lactation of 81 dam which
inseminated by 9 selection bulls. The estimation of heritability which used
method paternal half sib correlations was 0,39�0,19 and 0,48 � 0,028for
heritability estimation methoddam offspring regression. The results showed
that the value of heritability milk production of Friesian Holstein was
highpositive category. Inconclusion, the heritability estimation many can be
used as criteria nature of milk production.
Keywords : Holstein Friesian, Dairy, Heritability, Milk Production, Technical
Executor Official Unit Area Animal Cultivation Dairy Cows and Forage
Pasture Cikole Lembang