Summary: | Consumption of high-fat food can cause hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis
and heart diseases. Hyperlipidemia can be prevented by antioxidants contained in
pigmented rice cultivars, such as Cempo Abang (brown rice) and Cempo Ireng
(black rice). This research aimed to study the effect of white, brown, and black
rice diet on the histological structure of the heart and aorta of hyperlipidemic rats.
Twenty five male rats divided into 5 groups: normal control, control of
hyperlipidemia, white rice diet treatment, brown rice diet treatment, and black rice
diet treatment. Hyperlipidemic rats were administrated with 1% cholesterol,
mixed with pork oil and duck egg yolk (1:1) at the dose of 2 mL/200 g BW.
White, brown, and black rice dietary treatment were used the basal diet pellets
containing 30% of rice during 30 days whitin hiperlipidemic condition maintain.
Then, hiperlidemic induction stopped, and rice dietary treatment were maintain
for 15 days. A day after the last treatment, the rats were weighed and sacrificed,
heart and aorta were taken, weighed, and then made the cross-section (aorta) and
longitudinal (heart) with paraffin method, 10% formalin fixative, 6 μm thick
slices, and Hematoxylin-Eosin staining. Qualitative analysis was done using
descriptive-comparative method and ratio of organ weight using One Way
ANOVA. Cardiac observations indicate that the control of hyperlipidemia and
white rice diet both showed moderate cardiac necrosis, slight hypertrophy as well
as leukocyte infiltration. The heart of rats which treats with brown rice diet show
mild hypertrophy as well as necrosis and leukocyte infiltration, and the heart of
rats which treats with black rice diet show mild hypertrophy as well as necrosis
and leukocyte infiltration. The result showed that the aorta of control of
hyperlipidemia and white rice diet, both showed leukocyte infiltration and
thickening of the wall on light levels. Aorta of the rats which treats with brown
rice diet had leukocyte infiltration and thickening of the aortic wall light levels as
well as rats which treats with black rice diet. Based on the result it could be
concluded that brown and black rice diet could improve the histological structure
of the aorta and heart of hiperlipidemic rats. Diet of white, brown, and black rice,
did not affected the ratio of the heart and aorta organ weight in hiperlipidemic