Summary: | increase growth performance of native chicken. Growth quality parameter which
can be used to assess growth performance is ileum and muscle of chicken. This
research was purposed to study comparison of growth performance between
Broilers, Kampong, and Backcross3 chicken, based on morphometri and
histological structure of ileum and breast muscle. Backcross3 used in this
research was resulted from crossbreeding between �BC2 brown x �F1 red and
�BC2 brown x �BC1 red. Observation was done in chicken aged 35 and 49 days.
Chickens were sacrificed, to be taken its ileum and pectoralis muscle. Then,
organs were weighed and measured to get relative weigh and length of ileum and
pectoralis muscle. Also, square area of left breast muscle were measured.
Formalin 10% was used to fixed ileum and pectoralis muscle. Paraffin method
with H. E and PAS-AB staining used in this research. Based on relative weight
and length, ileum development of Broilers and Kampong chicken aged 49 has
been stopped, meanwhile BC3 was still continued.Villus-crypth ratio of Broiler
and Kampong was higher than villus-crypth ratio of BC3 at 49 days. Goblet cell
number on BC3 aged 49 days was more than Kampong and Broilers. In addition,
Goblet cell number on BC3 was increases, while in Kampong and Broiler were
decrease. Mucin composition (acid and mixture) on Kampong and Broiler did not
change, while BC3 mucin composition was changed, from acid and mixture to be
acid only. Weight and square area of breast muscle of each chicken group was
increases. Equal with square area of fascicles and myofiber number on each
chicken group, except, myofiber number on Broilers chicken was decreases.
Body weight of each chicken groups was increases. Body weight of BC3 was
lower than Broilers, but it was higher than Kampong. Based on result of this
research, it could be concluded that growth quality of BC3 was better than
Kampong chickens, but it wasn�t as good as growth quality of Broilers.