Summary: | Dengue hemorragic fever is a viral disease spread by mosquitoes in tropical
and subtropical country.Based on data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, during
the year 2011 there are more than 60.000 people suffered from dengue hemorrhagic
fever, with a mortality rate of about 1 percent of the total patients with this disease
There is no specific treatment or vaccine for dengue fever patients. Available
treatment includes plenty intravenous fluids and blood transfusion. Dengue fever
patients had a high fever and their body is dehydrated due platelet count decreased
and hematocrit increased causing blood to have condensation and the body loses a lot
of fluids, nurses must regularly monitor the condition of the patient's body
temperature and intravenous transfusion dose. Because if the patients are not treated
properly then their condition will deteriorate. It is becoming a problem in small clinic
with just a few employees because it is very difficult to manage so many hospitalized
patients while nurses and doctors should frequently check the condition every
patient's vital body signs from one room to another.
Wireless monitoring system and diagnostic tool for dengue fever patients
were made to remotely monitor health status. This system can speed up diagnosis of
the disease and determine treatment for a patient according to the symptoms of the
disease, able to deliver patient's condition data faster and give more efficient health
care. As for the supporting components on the health monitoring system is HC-06-D
bluetooth data communication module which is a low-voltage wireless transmitter,
the measured parameter in this research are the body temperature of the patient and
the intravenous transfusion dose. Data from temperature sensor and intravenous dose
gauge received by computer in the central monitoring room, then the data is stored in
a database so that the nurses and doctors able to monitor patients condition anytime.
Keywords: wireless,diagnostic,dengue hemorraging fever, body temperature,
intravenous transfusion doses