Summary: | Empowerment paradigm is the antithesis of growth paradigm that assessed
has led to inequality and excessive dependency. The society become weak and
vulnerable to crises and economic shocks regionally and globally. Community
empowerment has been done, but the results have not been able to liberate the
people from the powerless. This is caused of the empowerment programs often
ignore the social capital. Social capital is an important capital beside of economic
capital and natural capital.
This research uses qualitative and based explanation and as descriptive
research. Collective data technique used indepth interviews, observation and
documentation. The location of the research is UPKT Sun Coco Petanahan
Village. UPKT Sun Coco is a bussiness unit of BUMDes Petanahan Village
Petanahan District Kebumen Regency and as a bussiness unit of the productive
process, hold and sell the processed coconut and its derivatives. Kind of
production include UPKT Sun Coco nata de coco, VCO, HCO cooking oil,
charcoal, liquid smoke, cocofiber, cocodust/cocopeat and organic fertilizer.
The resuts of research show that social capital is developed in the village
of Petanahan support the economic empowerment of the people that is carried out
throught the form UPKT Sun Coco. UPKT Sun Coco begins with the integrated
training of coconut processing by the student of unit 109 KKN PPM UGM. The
trust of the public, participation in social networks, norms, values resiprocity and
social action proactively in joining of the training made the processing of
learning of the group successfully. In the marketing of products of coconut
processing, the villagers forms organization named UPKT Sun Coco that is
managed by social capital as well.
UPKT Sun Coco efforts the development of kind of product and
marketing, the development of institution and financially also develops well. All
the development is supported by the social capital, like the trust, resiprocity,
networking, values, norms, participation and the proactive society acting. The
trust of the people if their product will be bought by UPKT Sun Coco, the
participation of the society in the effort of development like the trainings. The
reciprocity characteristic caused the solving of the problem is easier. The social
networks that is formed between the members of UPKT Sun Coco, the private or
public. The society act suitable with the good values like willing to work hard and
the social norms. The proactive act to the effort of empowerment is, that the
society that try to get the skill of coconut processing by learning from others or
joining of the training that is carried out from the public or private agencies.
In typology of social capital, the village of Petanahan village have bonding
social, bridging social capital and linking social capital. The social capital opens
the chance of productive bussiness development of the coconut processing that is
formed by UPKT Sun Coco. The social capital opens the channel information and
many kind of innovation so the welfare of the society improve.