Summary: | In Indonesia, a bank rating is typically measured using CAMEL financial ratio
model. Indicators of bankruptcy can be seen through the financial information contained
in financial statements, and predictions of the potential bankruptcy that may be
experienced by the company to use the Altman Z-Score model.
The problems examined in this research is whether there are correlations between
banking standardization assessment using financial ratios of CAMEL model to predict
banking bankruptcy using the method of Altman method. This research is to obtain
empirical evidence of the existence of correlations between the banking systems
according to the assessment using financial ratio analysis of CAMEL model with bank
bankruptcy prediction models by using analysis of Altman Z-Score.
The samples in this research are 20 banking companies listed in Indonesia Stock
Exchange in the year 2005-2009. Two variables are examined in this research, namely the
standardization of banking assessment (Capital, CAR, CAP, CAD, NPM, TBP, ROA,
BOPO, LQ, and LDR) and Indonesian banking bankruptcy prediction (Altman Z-score).
Data collection tool in this research is the method of documentation which is drawn from
the banking financial reports and some books that support. Analysis of the data used in
this research is the analysis of financial ratios models of CAMEL and Altman Z-score,
and statistical analysis of Pearson Product Moment and Multiple Linear Regression.
The research results showed that the value of cut-off Altman Z-score increased from
the presence status of the banks which went bankrupt in 2005, then there is no longer
with the status of bankruptcy in 2006-2009 to only 1 bank that went bankrupt status in
2009. The correlation between Capital, CAR, CAP, CAD, NPM, TBP, ROA, BOPO, LQ,
and LDR simultaneously with Altman Z-score is positive (R = 0.863) and significant
(0.000). The counted F is 26.020 with a signification of 0.000 smaller than the expected
level of significance (0.05). This means that the capital, CAR, CAP, CAD, NPM, TBP,
ROA, BOPO, LQ, and LDR, simultaneously correlated significantly with Altman Z-score.
Thus there is a correlation between Standardization Assessment Banking and Bankruptcy
Prediction Bank in Indonesia, where the Capital, CAR, CAP, CAD, NPM, TBP, ROA,
BOPO, LQ, and LDR is able to explain the changes of Altman Z-score 71.6%, while the
rest (28.4%) is explained by other factors.