Summary: | This study aimed to determine the use of horse and cattle faeces as microbial sources to substitution of rumen fluid in vitro digestibility analysis of forages and roughages and reduce usage fistula in animal. The forages and roughages which used in this study were leucaena leaf, caliandra leaf, king grass, elephant grass, rice straw, corn stover, and pangola grass. In vitro two stages method modified by Utomo (2010) was used in this study. Sample were tested on in vitro digestibility using different microbial sources, rumen fluid, horse and cattle faeces fluid. Every feed sample was tested 3 times as replication. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was used in this study and was continued Duncan�s New Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Variable was observed were dry matter and organic digestibility. The result showed average of dry matter and organic in vitro digestibility for the first stage and second stage were significantly different between each treatment (p < 0,05). Digestibility value for rumen fluid, beef cattle feces, and feces of horse in order for first stage were 46,38%