Summary: | Poverty reduction is now the author can describe in three ways. The first,
the equation or uniform policy in each region. Second, the sectoral ego and lack of
synchronization of the various policies implemented by the department or
ministry of state. And the Third, poverty reduction programs have tended to focus
on social aid efforts for the poor. Given the importance of poverty reduction, the
government seeks to elaborate Yogyakarta poverty policy by using social capital
as a driving force, the policy is called the Movement Segoro Amarto (Spirit of
Mutual Cooperation Agawe Majune Ngayogyakarto). Once inaugurated by the
Governor of Yogyakarta in 2010 the Movement Segoro Amarto tested in three
villages called Segoro Amarto village, the village is a village Kricak,
Tegalpanggung and Sorosutan.
This study is intended to look at the emergence of culture in society
through poverty alleviation policies. In addition, this study also look at the
response to the policy group Segoro Amarto basis.
Based on the results collected in the field into two authors conclude,
among other things: First Segoro Amrto specific implementation for urban pilot
projects implemented through the help of the governor is given directly to the
village. Second, the policy response to the base group also varied Segoro Amarto
assume that there is a concern Segoro Amarto a king to the people. In addition,
some people also assume that Segoro Amarto is a government program intended
to provide assistance to the poor, and for a fraction interpret that this movement to
instill the value of discipline, mutual cooperation, solidarity and concern.