Summary: | XYZ independent consultant is one consultant for ISO 9001, OHSAS
18001, and ISO 14001 primarily on contracting company in Indonesia. The
purpose of this study was to analyze the existing business models and business
model innovation drafting of an XYZ independent consultant using business model
canvas as well as the action plan period 2013 to 2015 so that XYZ independent
consultant is expected to continue to exist and even thrive better. The research
method used qualitative methods by searching the archives and information direct
from XYZ independent consultant, reference books, and information from the
Based on the SWOT analysis of nine building blocks, existing business
model of XYZ independent consultant is determined by business model innovation.
Customer segment innovation is a customer segment turned into a private
company in Indonesia. Innovation value proposition is to increase the value
proposition in the form of training services and business management systems.
Channel innovation is by increasing the channel updates to the website and
writing articles. Customer relationship innovation is with customer contact
periodically. Innovation is the additional revenue streams from fee training
services (usage fee). Innovation of key resources, namely by expanding the
knowledge and relationships with partners. Innovation of key activities increase
the activity of training services. Main partnership innovation is a partnership with
professional personnel and other consulting firms. Innovation of cost structure is
the addition to the cost of the website and the cost of trainings of XYZ independent
Plan of action to be taken by an XYZ independent consultant business
model innovation results considering that it includes five main activities namely
marketing consulting services, improving XYZ independent consultant,
realignment all materials of consulting and training, implementation of training
and consulting services, as well as improved infrastructure.