Summary: | The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of ownership structure and the
implementation of good corporate governance for the period 2006 to 2011 and to identify the
influence of these variables on the period before and after the 2008 global crisis. Independent
variables used in this study are institutional ownership, managerial ownership, foreign
ownership, audit committees, and boards of directors, while control variables used in this study
are profitability and leverage.
The research data was collected using purposive sampling method to the data of nonfinancial
sector companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange during the period 2006-
2011 and recorded in the LQ45 index. Based on the criteriaof the study obtained 196 samples
were then analyzed using multiple linear regression method.
These result indicate that the effect of ownership structure on firm value where
managerial ownership structure has a positive and significant impact on firm value. In the
period before crisis, the audit committee have a significant effect on the level below 1%, while
ROA has a positive and significant effect on the firm value.Variable that affect the value of the
company significantly in the period after crisis are audit committee, board of directors, and DER
on the level below 10%.