Summary: | Diversification strategy and diversification strategy through the
implementation of motivational business unit precast concrete as a business unit
of PT Development Housing constitute corporate PT step Housing Development
must be done to produce a strategic vision that has accountability and optimal
corporate accountability. With that background, the precast concrete business
development issues were identified by asking whether the new plant as a precast
concrete business unit PT Housing Development is a strategic move, or how the
strategic viability of precast concrete plant establishment as a business unit of PT
Development Housing.
Through descriptive research and analysis with case study research,
secondary data captured and primer study documentation and in-depth interviews
are not structured to informants and survey results were analyzed using
descriptive qualitative method. The results showed that of the external
environmental factors, feasibility assessments of business development business
precast concrete PT Housing Development consists of the production process
feasibility, feasibility and feasibility of product marketing products cumulatively
have a high feasibility assesments, although some external environmental factors
still have to be given attention so that eligibility precast concrete business
development business of PT Development Housing remains a high feasibility
assessments and optimized to be very high feasibility assesments.
In the meantime, from the internal environmental factors, feasibility PT
precast concrete business development Housing Development consists of the
production process feasibility, feasibility and feasibility of product marketing
product of the internal environment factors PT Housing Development, which
cumulatively have eligibility fluctuating between moderate and high. Thus some
factor of internal environment remains particularly human resources, knowledge
resources and financial resources should be given attention so that the feasibility
of precast concrete business development business of PT Development Housing
remains a high feasibility and optimized to be very high feasibility.