Summary: | This research planned to identify knowledge sharing process and factors that affect
knowledge sharing process in SMK Negeri 1 Tasikmalaya. Shannon and Weaver
(1949) and Berlo (1960) in Jennex (2008) explained that there are six factors that
related with knowledge sharing process, such as knowledge source, the message,
receiver, channel of communication, feedback, and environment or culture that the
knowledge sharing process takes place. In addition, Szulansky (2003) explained that
the factors that affect knowledge sharing process are knowledge characteristic,
knowledge source, receiver, and context.
Interview applied to 12 respondents consist of 11 teachers and 1 administration
employee. The interview was applied at the school started from May 20 � June 8,
2013. The research data validity used four type of validity from Neuman (2011), such
as ecology validity, natural history, member validity, and competent insider
performance. In this research, natural history and member validity are used. The data
analyses are five stages of qualitative data analysis from Yin (2011), such as
compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding.
Research findings showed that knowledge sharing process in SMK Negeri 1
Tasikmalaya consist of six factors, such as knowledge source, the message, receiver,
communication channel, feedback, and environment or culture that the knowledge
sharing process takes place. The factors that affect knowledge sharing process in
SMK Negeri 1 Tasikmalaya consist of supporter factor and resistor factor.
The resistor factor that positively happened in SMK Negeri 1 Tasikmalaya was
knowledge sharing culture. Other factors such as knowledge as property and
important ownership, knowledge as power and uncertain towards knowledge receiver
are negative or did not happen. The supporter factors that exist in SMK Negeri 1
Tasikmalaya are togetherness value of the organization.