Summary: | Indonesian Forestry Farmers are difficult to get some credits from
financial institution such as bank, even there is agricultural loan product on each
bank. The main issue is the farmer seems not bankable since the too longer of
harvest�s period, otherwise they do not have something worth as collateral. In
other sides, foreign investors are likely want to invest their money through
national bank in Indonesia, due to bureaucracy issue, for community forestry�s
project. Unfortunately, the national bank still do not know about forestry
knowledge and doubtful to receive the lending money.
Departed from that issue, this study aims at examining feasibility of
forestry project, like planting JUN by community farmers in Pacitan district. JUN
is kind of teak newest clone which have shortest harvest period. This study is also
adopting the credit bank�s scheme on the calculation. This research object is
APPHRL (Private Forestry Farmer Asosiation) Catursari in Pacitan. To collect the
data, researcher use the field and literature study, while data resources got from
field, experiences, report, printed out files, and internet. The data will be analyzed
by feasibility method, use NPV and sensitivity analysis.
This calculation on the projects shows that this project is feasible to be
executed during 13years. The calculation result shows that NPV is positive. From
sensitivity analysis result, this project still has positive NPV on interest rate less
than 18%, and the mortality risk maximum is 20%. The higher NPV will be
obtained when the interest rate for this project is low. This finding shows that this
project is feasible in various ways and the farmers are eligible for getting credit
from bank. At the end, this study provides some recommendation for farmers,
banks, and other parties who interest on this project. Some limitations are revealed