Summary: | Lean Government is the application of Lean Thinking concept in public
sector. Public sector organization can adopt Lean by several options: using
external consultants, using internal knowledge and capability, conducting publicprivate
partnership program, or combination of those methods. This thesis
describes Lean implementation using public-private partnership program in the
Bekasi Customs office to improve public services.
As a public sector organization, Bekasi Customs office is facing bigger
challenges as companies activities are increasing. To cope with private sector�s
rapid activities, Bekasi Customs office must increase its organizational efficiency
by improving business process in order to deliver better public services as well as
better control activities.
Lean government implementation is an option to increase efficiency by
identify wastes along internal business process and conduct continuous
improvements by promoting endless transformation of waste into value from the
customers� perspective. This research demonstrated that implementation of lean
tools and methods such as Value Stream Mapping (VSM), quality at source,
layout improvement, and batch reduction in the Bekasi Customs office resulted in
increasing efficiency.
Using the Action Research method, several activities were conducted
including focus discussion group, VSM training, implementation of lean tools,
and semi-structured interview. This research showed that lean implementation
have led to tangible and intangible benefits. Tangible benefit appeared in
reduction of the average customs permit processing time, although average
submitted documents increased. Intangible benefits include a better understanding
of Lean concept and methods and its application know-how, a rise in employees
motivation and morale by executing employees improvement proposal as a
bottom-up approach.