Summary: | Isoenzyme analysis was performed on four populations of matoa papeda
(Pometia pinnata Forst.) original from West Papua, i.e. Manokwari, Sorong, Fak-
Fak and Raja Ampat. The goals were to determine the inheritance of banding
patterns, to assess genetic diversity of natural populations, and to know the
genetic relationship among populations. Leaves were sampled from 25 seedlings
in each populations and analyzed using isoenzime markers.
Three of six enzyme systems showed polymorphic and consistent activities,
and can be used to observe genetic diversity of matoa, namely: Peroxidase
(POD), Esterase (EST), Glutamate Oxaloacetate Transaminase (GOT). Effective
number of alleles per locus (Ae=1.9549) is lower than actual number of alleles
per locus (A/L=2.5). Obseved heterozygosities (Ho) ranged from 0.4266 (Fak-
Fak) up to 0,4831 (Raja Ampat), with the average of 0.4491. Expected
heterozygosities (He) ranged from 0.4541 (Sorong) up to 0.5399 (Fak-Fak), with
the average 0.4669. The total genetic diversity (HT) at the fourth matoa
population was 0.504, mostly distributed within (HS=0.457) and the rest (DST
=0.047) distributed among populations, with the proportion of genetic diversity
between populations (GST = 0.111). Populations of Manokwari and Sorong hare
closest genetic relationship, while Raja Ampat showed most distance to other
three populations.