Summary: | Introduction: Postterm Pregnancy is defined as pregnancy exeeding 41 weeks from the first day of last
menstruation periode, the incidence of wich is about 10 percent. The risk of postterm pregnancy is increased
perinatal mortality rate.
Objectictive: To compare the outcome of induction of labor at <42 weeks gestasional age vs �42 weeks for
the succes of induction and the rate asphyxia.
Design of study: Prospective cohort
Material and method: Five hospitals (Sardjito and 4 Affiliated Hospitals) were used, from Januari 1st to
Desember 31nd 2012. The outcome of interest was the succes of induction and the rate of neonatal
asphyxsia. Chi square test and logistic regressions were used for statistical analysis.
Result: The number of cases were 210, consisting of 105 cases of each groups. There were induced by
misoprostol 25 ug/ vaginal/ 6 hours. There were not difference between induction at �42 weeks gestational
age and <42 weeks for success rate induction , i.e. 51,3% vs 48,7% (RR 1,10