Summary: | Development of Information Technology (IT) has provided the tools for
universities to improve the service quality to the academic community.
Information system that is supported by IT can add value to each college if it is
designed to be an effective and efficient information system. STIKOM Surabaya
has been using Cyber Campus Information System that is designed to help the
academic community to obtain academic information more easily. Students can
easily access the web-based SICYCA anywhere and anytime in
SICYCA had been facing several obstacles in its using. Although there
were several obstacles, using SICYCA for academics are perceived important in
academic activities. Therefore, we need to evaluate it by using the model of
information system success DeLone and McLean. By using DeLone and McLean
Model, it is expected to determine the relationship between the variables
represented by information quality, system quality, service quality, intention to
use, user satisfaction and net benefits.
Retrieval data is acquired by using questionnaires to STIKOM Surabaya
students as the respondents. Then the data is processed by Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM) analysis tool. Based on the results of the tests on the hypotheses,
it can be concluded that the information quality, system quality, and service
quality have a positive effect on intention to use and user satisfaction that both of
them give a positive effect on the net benefit. Thus SICYCA in its use has given
satisfaction to its users, although there are still some shortcomings and