Summary: | Since the world economy is experiencing significant growth , the business
world and then experiencing unprecedented growth . Ranging from national and
international business . The companies that develop the pattern has a strategy and
business objectives of each to be able to maintain the viability of the company . In the
event that every company has a different way to make a profit , or in running the
company . This is related to the company's capital . As in the company that I
researched the company engaged in the food and beverage sector, listed on the IDX .
These companies are able to survive since the global crisis that occurred in mid-2008
, because the support demand in the sector are quite high . To the authors wanted to
examine how the impact of the liquidity and profitability of the company lavarage . In
the study the authors have obtained results that negatively affect the profitability of
liquidity means that the company is using more debt without increasing liquidity so
that it led to decreased liquidity and negatively affect profitability also supported it
because of external factors and internal , and can also be of sample needs to be added
. So also with lavarage . The authors concluded that the positive effect on profitability
lavarage means that the increase in external debt as defined by the company's ability
to pay obligations in the future where it will be to obtain a positive response by the
market . The use of debt can reduce taxable income because the company is required
to pay of loan interes. Reduction can add corporate profits tax that could be used for
reinvestment or for dividend distribution to shareholders . Reinvestment and dividends will increase investors' assessment so as to increase their interest to buy
shares .