Summary: | Recently, Teak Breeding still focused on wood growth improvement.
Wood quality (specific gravity) has not become significant concern yet. In the
future specific gravity will be intriguing on teak wood market. This research was
conducted to look for the relation of specific gravity and growth on teak species
trial at KPH Ngawi and Ciamis. Learning the relationship of specific gravity and
growth will be implicated on genotype superior determination for height, diameter,
specific gravity parameter. Height and diameter are obtained througt direct
measuerement whereas specific gravity is estimated by pilodyn penetration and
specific gravity�s regression model that tested first. Validation tested showed that
pilodyn penetration and specific gravity model was valid and correlation value are
-0.80 (Ngawi) and -0.73 (Ciamis). Analysis of varians explain family source of
variation was significant. Genetic correlation are 0.98 height-dbh, 0.23 heightspesific
gravity, 0.67 dbh-spesific gravity. heritability of family 0.13-0.32, genetic
correlation 0.98 (height-dbh)