Summary: | sustai
Private vehicle using is leading to increased traffic congestion, air pollution and
mounting social disparities, especially at big city. Particularly in Lampung
Province, Bandar Lampung as a capital of Lampung province is trying to initiate
creating nable integrated public transportation and it has been started while
several public transport companies together established Trans Bandar Lampung.
At early, it was going really well and Bandar Lampung citizen started to use this
Buss Rapid Transit System. However, due to Trans Bandar Lampung was built as
private company, government did not fund subsidy for it. Trans Bandar Lampung
started to face problem especially in maintenance term.
Research methodology of this research is using qualitative research. By fitting
between theories and data collection, qualitative research tends to be associated
with words or images as the unit of analysis. The hypothesis was tested by
spreading questioners to the respondents as primary data. The primary data is used
to understand about public transport user in Lampung Province. On the other side,
secondary data is used to analyze the current condition public transportation in
Lampung Province.
The objective of this research is to examine current condition public transport
system in Lampung Province. Generating sustainable public transport system on
Lampung Province, providing advice to prenting Trans Bandar lampung from
collapse. Furthermore, this research also assess about performance of public
transportation on Lampung. At the end, it will provide some reflection to
developed counties