Summary: | The study aims to investigate the implementation of construction work contract in the
construction of the ring road south Banjarmasin between PT. Dikanu with the Department of Public
Work, Highways Maintenance Sector South Kalimantan
The approach method used in this study is an empirical juridical approach, an approach method
which refers to the rules and norms of the existing laws conducted by the researcher in which the
researcher obtains empirical knowledge by having field research. The main data in this study is
primary data obtained directly from research subjects. To complete the primary data, library
research was also conducted. The research subjects consisted of 6 (six) respondents consisting of
2 (two) the auction committees, 2 (two) the companies and 2 (two) executive consultants. The
data obtained were analyzed using descriptive approach and directed to deduce conclusion
through actual facts.
The results of this research consist of following explanations. First, the implementation of
the construction work contract between the service provider and the service user is always subject
to a change. This condition is related on the field condition when the work is performed