Summary: | Seturan in Depok, a sub-district in Yogyakarta, is considered as one
growing and developed region in Yogyakarta forming an �Aglomerasi
Perkotaan�, or otherwise known as (APY). The quite rapid growth of Seturan is
influenced by the development of education activities, that in general education
facilities will be the region�s economic generators caused by the needs of the
facilities supporting the students. Rapid growth of the region directly affects the
Seturan street, as the main corridor in Seturan, have some impact such as the lack
of harmony between the streets and the building space (enclosure),so that the road
does not seem ready to respond the growth of the region, it can be seen from the
various neglected urban physical elements. Refering to Depok General Plan of
Urban Spatial (RUTRK) 2005-2014, Seturan and Babarsari will be developed as
educational area (campus estate) and commercial area, while the border of
Seturan street will be developed as a commercial corridor.
As response toward the RUTRK and quite rapid regional development, it is
necessary to conduct a research, in which the purpose to get the right direction,
mainly in the arrangment of the physical elements is shaping the street space
enclosure, in order to improve the quality of the enclosure in accordance with the
developing commercial function.
This research uses a rationalistic qualitative approach, and focuses on the
observation of the physical elements as the shaping of street space enclosure, such
as the elements of street wall, the street roof, and the street floor. After finishing
the analysis, the directional recommendation will be formulated as the effort to
provide a design guidelines.
The result of the analysis towards the character of the physical elements of
shaping an enclosure street space has not shown any order liness, so that the
enclosure created by the physical elements of the street space, could not have been
noticed. The quality of the enclosure has shown a sense of space that is balanced
and harmonious, but the layout, distribution, and the height that is very influential
to improve the quality of the enclosure, still has not shown order liness. The
considerable commercial potential function in shaping the quality of the balance
and harmonious enclosure is the type of retail or shops