Summary: | Caroline Aux Indes, writen by Piere Probst, is an illustrated story book
published in 1955. In this book, there are images that often associated with India,
such as heritage palaces of Mughal dynasty, tiger, and defile of elephant troops
that similar to the image on the postcard series of Colonies Françaises Comptoirs
des Indes (French India Colonies Trading Posts) published in 1920. From those
images, we could assumed that India as the setting for this story is linked with
India in the French India colonial history. Memories of France colonial triumph in
India and alliances with local rulers are historical factors that seem to become
dominant sources of India�s image in Caroline aux Indes. That images also
represent the construction of Orientals as �others�, that helped to build opinions of
European as superior, developed, humanized by comparing to colonised lands as
far away, underdeveloped, wild, dangerous, but at once rich and exotic.
This research use the notion of Mathew Rampley about visual rhetoric,
rhetorical strategies have particularly important role to play when power
structures and hierarchies are at stake