Summary: | The research of concerns about the importance of education that exist in the military
because it Sesko TNI is the highest education in the military. This study is a qualitative study
that took place in Bandung West Java Sesko TNI. Techniques of data collection using
interviews, observations, document studies, and literature study. Analysis using descriptive
method through a process of data reduction, data presentation, and decision making. This
study aims to determine the optimization of education and its implications on the quality of
graduates in support of the resistance soldiers.
The results showed: 1) Optimalizing the quality of educators Sesko TNI in order to
support the quality of graduates conducted by the selection of a minimum standard of
competence appropriate for educators, the fulfillment of a number of educators in educational
institutions Sesko TNI. 2) There needs to be concern about the pattern of career coaching for
educators Sesko TNI integrated between the interests of the institution and TNI Headquarters
and agencies outside the military structure along with support facilities for the care and
education of educators is thus sufficient quality graduates will be better.
Based on these results it can be concluded that educators in Sesko TNI is necessary to
optimize the quality that supports quality graduates who will be future leaders in the military
are coming and it is possible to be the leaders of regions and even nations that will affect
National Security and should be consistent with the Homeland.