Summary: | Biogas has been well known because of its benefit, but it also produces not
only biogas itself as the fuel but also sludge in the form of liquid and solid as the
side product., sludge is still benefited as the organic fertilizer. Besides it can be
used as the agent of fungi media Trichoderma harzianum which has functions as
the living agent and stimulator of living growth, as bio fungicide some fungi in
the waters, such as Fusariyum oxysporum. This research is aimed to know the
effect of difference quantity inoculums Trichoderma harzianum toward the
increasing content of nutrients (NPK) and agent of organic fertilizer Trichoderma
harzianum, through combining sludge with husk carbon and with being added
inoculums Trichoderma harzianum in broken corn, this experiment is done
through four stages, that is addition inoculum Trichoderma harzianum in broken
corn (T0= 0 gr, T1=37,5 gr, T2=75 gr and T3=112,5 gr). Every treatment is
repeatedly done three times. To examine the ability combination of husk carbon to
keep Trichoderma harzianum is done 8 times, it is repeated every week. To know
the ability Trichoderma harzianum decompose organic unrecompensed material
in the planting media in order to be ready three times. The observed variables are
total nitrogen, total phosphor, total Kalium, total amount of conidiophores. To
know the effect of treatment, the obtained data are analyzed with ANOVA. If
there is found difference in every treatment, then used Duncan test. The result of
research show that Sludge the result of biogas installation which ahs been used as
the agent of Trichoderma harzianum fungi in the broken corn has not been used as
organic fertilizer as the rules in Kep. Men Pertanian 2011, because the result is
below 4%. The addition of Inoculums Trichoderma harzianum in broken corn,
does not show the more inoculums are added, there will be many living
conidiophores and conversely it is especially in the fourth and fifth week. So that
the combination sludge and husk carbon can keep Trichoderma harzianum
optimally until sixth week since being incubated. During in vivo test in the
greenhouse applied with tosakan plant doesn show clear difference.