Summary: | This research was conducted to find out the condition of productivity production and
cassava land area in Indonesia as well as its projection, to find out factors affecting
demand and supply of cassava for its agroindustry in Indonesia. Time data series were
used between 1971 and 2009. Secondary data was used which was Indonesian and
world�s cassava, taken primarily from Indonesia and FAO. Table analysis, projection
method as well as regression analysis were used for its data analysis
method.Research findings show that cassava production in Indonesia until 2009
comprised 22,039 (million tonnes), with its land area 1,176 (million hectares) having
productivity of 187,5 (quintalls/hectare). It is projected that in 2020 its production will
reach 25,538 (millions/tonnes), 1,112 (millions/hectares) with its production 253,9
(quintalls/hectares). Factors affecting are last year�s cassava productivity, its land area,
cassava retail price, cassava price, sugar prevenue rice, the world�s corn price, corn�s
land area, last year�s corn production, corn�s agroindustrial production, cassava price,
the end year�s cassava stock, last year�s cassava demand, Indonesian import price, last
year�s Indonesia import price, last year�s cassava price, the world�s cassava export,
Indonesian cassava export and other countries� cassava export, the world�s cassava
import, the world�s import price, world population, Indonesian cassava import, the
world�s cassava import.