Summary: | Synergistic effect between the local anesthetic drug with the addition of
opioid in spinal anesthesia has been known. In this Study, addition the fentanyl on
the minimum dose bupivacain may increase the duration of sensoric block and
lead to rapid recovery of motoric block.
Design of the study was randomized controlled trial. Subject of the study
were patient who underwent elective TUR at Gedung Bedah Sentral Terpadu RS
Dr Sardjito Yogyakarta. A total 70 patients who fulfilled the inclution criteria
enroled at the study, were diveded into two groups each consisting of 35 patient.
In group A spinal anesthesia performed with bupivacain 10 mg and group B with
bupivacain 5 mg added with fentanyl 25μg. The onset and duration of spinal nerve
blokc were observed. Sensoric blokc level were assesed with pinprick method and
level of motoric blokcade with Bromage score.
Duration of sensoric blok in group A was 114,43±18,73 minutes and
group B was 97,71±15,11 minutes. This result indicated that there was significant
difference between the two groups (p<0,05). The duration motoric blokc in group
A was 142,29±13,08 minutes whereas group B was 78,86±16,18 minutes. This
result indicated that there was significant difference between two groups (p<0,05)
with faster duration of motoric block in group B.
Bupivacain 5 mg added with fentanyl 25μg had shorter duration of
sensoric and motoric blokc than bupivacain 10 mg (p<0,05).