Summary: | Phenomenon of random development of suburban became a phenomenon
that is easily found, one of the loss that is often discussed is the depletion sense of
social cohesiveness of housing suburban area in Yogyakarta. It is because the
impact of differences of the housing classes in suburban area, so it is feared that it
will result in gaps community in housing area and will affect to the sense of social
cohesiveness. The housing which is become the research location and represent
high class housing, middle class and the lower class, they are Merapi View
Housing, Pertamina Housing, Soka Asri Permai Housing.
This research started from the desire of how conditions of the social
cohesiveness classes in housing. So the aim of this research is to measure the
classes of social cohesiveness in Housing, and explain the relationship between
housing characteristics to the level of social cohesiveness. Approach that is used
by researcher is Quantitative Approach. Variables that will be tested in this
research is characteristics of a housing complex (consisting of the physical, social
and economic) with the class of social cohesiveness (i.e interest groups, the
stability of the group, group size, form of interaction and process of group
formation). The analysis of this research used correlation analysis and cross tab
using SPSS.
Based on the analysis, it is found that there is a significant relationship
between characteristics of housing complex to the level of social cohesiveness.
The variables that most influence the degree of social cohesion is from the social
aspect that are length to stay, age, gender, family member, religion, residence
status, place status, origin, marital status, and educational background. From the
physical aspect that are land area, building floor, spacious yard, fence high, fence
type, and opening fence. While from the economic aspect that are the amount of
income, the amount of expanding and the types of job.