Summary: | Land resources evaluation of are very important in landuse planning
because landuse planning must be based on the land suitability and land capability
classes. The research aimed to : (1) evaluate the potential landuse of agricultural
based on land capability and suitability analysis of land, (2) landuse planning
analyzing the sustainable agricultural and (3) compile of the spatial patterns
sustainable agriculture landuse in the Subdistrict Ternate Island, of Ternate City,
of the North Maluku Province.
This research applied spatial approach where the landform as analysis
unit which is based on interpretation of Landsat TM band 457, Map RBI and
geological maps with map scale 1: 50.000. Land capability classification analysis
using matching system and Software LCLP (Land Classification and Landuse
The results showed that : the Subdistrict Ternate Island had several
classes of land capability ranged from class III, VI, VII and VIII. The land
capability class of VI dominated the research regions with a land area 3000.42 Ha
(57,04%). Plant cloves and nutmeg can be developed on the foot slopes of
volcanic landform units (V5) of area 1699.27 Ha (32,30%). The spatial pattern of
sustainable agricultural development of land for grazing is limited, protected
forests and woods cultivated on land capability classes VI, while land capability
class VII and VIII for protected forest and nature reserves. Land capability class
III could be cultivated for the extensive agriculture can be developed for cloves
and nutmeg with moderate conservation technologies. To improve soil fertility
and pressing land degradation, this research recommending fertilization necessary
action and landuse by considering of land capability and land suitability in the
research area.