Summary: | Conversion of forest to oil palm plantations in Jambi increasing. This resulted in
the existence of the forest, including rubber forest decreases. One of the efforts reduce the
rate of forest conversion are developing rubber based agroforestry mix meranti. The
system is capable of being a mixed agroforestry alternatives prospectively to balance
economic goals at the same ecological (carbon stocks). This study aims to determine the
biomass and carbon stocks in various ages of rubber-based agroforestry mix meranti.
This research implemented in Wanagama II UGM Aburan Batang Tebo Village,
Tebo Tengah Sub-Distric, Tebo Regency, Jambi in September - October 2012. Object of
research that is agroforestry rubber based that distinguished based on age plant included
old age (> 50 years), medium I (35-50 years) and medium II (15-35 years) and
community rubber plantation. Methods of research implemented by making plots
measuring 20 m x 20 m with a compartmentalized line determined by Sistematic
Sampling With Random Start. Analysis data use be to find value of relative density,
relative frequency, relative dominance, important value index, richness species index,
species diversity index, estimation of biomass and carbon stocks made using the equation
The results showed the highest number of species is old age of agroforestry (64
types). The second highest medium I-age of rubber agroforestry (57 types), then middle
II-aged of rubber agroforestry (45 species) and the last one is rubber plantation (44 types).
Diversity in all locations included in the medium category (1.64 in Shannon-Wiener
index) with species composition dominated by Hevea brasiliensis, Dipterocarpaceae,
family Ebenaceae, and family Lauraceae. The number of types of dipterocarp seedlings at
very less (10% of the optimal number) so that needed enrichment and the other levels is
very excessive (above 30% of the optimal) so that needed reductions. Vegetation
structure on old age of rubber agroforestry is more complex compared with three other
locations. Other results show the highest potential of biomass and carbon stocks is old age
of rubber agroforestry respectively of 216.37 tons / ha