Summary: | These days, it is rare to find any pedestrian ways especially in Indonesia which can
give comfort, safe, and also accessible for all pedestrians. The street space function
gradually changes into commercial functions. The original function of the street spaces fade
away due to the misused of the street. This phenomenon also occured in Ampel district
which laid in strategical area and a part of economic commercial area, which has so many
traffics problem from the private cars, pedestrians and also street vendors who sells in the
pedestrian ways and the streets. Ampel Mosque and Graveyard as the center of Islam
culture in Java has been appointed as Religion Tourism Destination by the government. In
holidays especially in Ramadhan, many visitors from all around Java come to visit or ziarah
to the mosque and graveyard. By then, circulation and activities conflicts between the street
users emerged.
Based on the livable street concept, the existing of Nyamplungan and Pegirian
streets have already shown how both different users and different activities can work in all
range of time. The activities occured in the district, but the lack of regulation and its
management caused the activities conflict.
The research approach use qualitative aspects with rasionalistic method. Begins by
identifying the physical existing conditions in the research area and the location of the
observation area, added by the facts and problems of the district, which becomes the
background of the research. Observation, research and questionaires which is given to the
street users, need to be done to support the data. The observation by the researcher, the
theory as the base of ideal condition and the users perceptions are the additional data to
support the research, and then analyze the data with qualitative method, based on the
suitable theories. The results of the research will become the guideline of the street space
The research result show that the factors which cause the conflicts at the district are
the physical setting such as building land use, building setback, and the unsuitable existing
pedestrian ways. The non physical setting aspect such as the pedestrian activities, street
vendors, on street parking, and loading dock activities. So the arrangement needed at the
district to overcome the street space conflicts are the building landuse arrangement,
building setback arrangement, and the pedestrian ways, based on the livable street
especially for the commercial corridor.