Summary: | The residents in Demak regency, as a unit of society that live in
northen coast of Java, has special events and they have important
meaning. One of the important events for Demak society is when they
welcome the Idul Adha day, Demak society always looks forward to the
Grebeg Besar ceremony. To increase the interest of society, the Grebeg
Besar ceremony is more developed and has additional in program. One
of them is additional dance program named Bedhaya Tunggal Jiwa. The
Bedhaya becomes the important element in Grebeg Besar ceremony. In
this reseach, phenomenon that will be interesting to be studied (a). Why
Bedhaya Tunggal Jiwa dance is showed?, (b). How the pattern of the
show is?, (c). What the symbolic meaning of Bedhaya Tunggal Jiwa
dance is?.
In understanding the phenomenon happened in Bedhaya
Tunggal Jiwa, this research applies the qualitative method to discover all
the field data in explaining the problems occur. The result of field data,
processed and written in descriptive analysis method etnokoreologi
approach. That approach is done by textual and contextual analysis. The
textual study, can lineout or describe in detail about the structure in
Bedhaya Tunggal Jiwa dance, while the contextual study can reveal
socio-cultural condition the residents in Demak regency.
Bedhaya Tunggal Jiwa is one of the cultural elements in Demak
society that is showed as a part of series traditional ceremony Grebeg
Besar in Demak regencey. The presences human aesthetic need and also
create the harmony of human and their environment. The performance of
Bedhaya Tunggal Jiwa consists of several elements, including: motion,
floor pettern, music, make up, clothing, properties and place of
performing that overall is simple. The research result shows that
Bedhaya Tunggal Jiwa is understood as teaching of life that cantains
togetherness, unity and discipline to archive the useful purpose of live
individually or in group. The symbolic meaning is contained in motion,
floor pattern, costume, dance accompaniment, and properties that
appropriate with the socio-cultural condition in Demak regency. The
symbolic elements showed in the equipment that is used in the
ceremonial series, the dancer actions, directions and number, integrity
and social. The whole show vertical and horizontal relation activities of
human being.