Summary: | Time interval between catastrophic events that might be beyond generations could
make people lose their awareness. They will forget the fact that they live in
potentially hazards areas, with particular vulnerabilities status, which could lead
to catastrophic risk. This study aims to assess tsunami risk level and community
awareness in areas that are theoretically prone to tsunamis but has never
experienced it since almost 200 years.
This study uses spatial analysis approach. It Observe and assess variables
intervene tsunami hazard and vulnerability status as a spatial function. Influences
should be different driven by position, patterns, and density or intensity.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is very helpful in spatial modelling and
assessment of an object spatially-based with a complex multi-variable.
The results figure out that applying several tsunami wave heights scenarios result
different patterns of risk distribution. A location that has a low risk level on a
particular scenario could be has the high one of those level in another scenarios.
Every variable has a portion in arrange this condition, but it can be said that
dominantly by land slope, population-related, settlement location, and land use
type. Community awareness could be reflected in appearance of spatial object as
a kind of land management. Never experienced the tsunami yet, community
awareness could be built from the information obtained and stimulant activities
that lead to disaster risk reduction efforts.