Summary: | Policy of Regional Education Funding Guarantee (JPPD) has been run in
Sleman since 2009 as one of Sleman Government efforts to enhance the quality of
community education specifically for the poor students. This research aims to
discover the implementation performance of JPPD policy in Sleman District and
the factors that influence the implementation. By combining the qualitative and
quantitative method, the data was collected by in depth interviews, observation to
informants in the Education, Youth, and Sport Agency, shcools, and JPPD
receivers. The data being used was in form of primary data and supported by
secondary data to enhance validity of data. The data analysis was conducted by
data reduction, presetation and conclusion.
The research result concludes that generally the implementation of JPPD
policy has runned well, using indicator the amount of JPPD receivers are 79% or
6.171 students from approximately 7,848 poor students of High
School/Vocational School in 2012. However, in quality the implementation of
JPPD was still lacking on the affordability of JPPD that just limited to the poor
Other research results showed that the factors of implementation support
are: availability of legal basis and explanatory rules, coordination and intensive
communication between the Dikpora and schools, dedicated and highly
committed human resources support, as well as financial resources support from
the local government. Whereas, the factors that inhibit the implementation are the
substance of the legal basis has not firmly regulated the good purpose in quantity
and quality, the target group, the benefit for the JPPD receivers. Other inhibitors
factors are unavailability of poor students� data basis, as well as there are
minimum coordination between the policy implementer with the authorized
agency in KKM policy.