Summary: | Selective mutism is an anxiety disorder characterized by failure to
speak at some period of time in specific social situations (eg, at school), but
the person with selective mutism can talk in other familiar situations (at
home). This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of �Kita Semua
Sahabat� as a means of training in improving communication skills in
children with selective mutism. This study used a 5-year-old male
kindergarten student as the subject who has been diagnosed as selective
mutism with moderately severe category. The enforcement diagnostic
assessment used a structured interview and observation based on the
characteristics of selective mutism in DSM IV - TR. The design of this
research used single case experimental design. Interventions were
performed using the technique of stimulus fading and contigency
management which were packed through the training of 'Kita Semua
Sahabat'. The measurement used observation by counting the number of
communications made by the subject either when there was stimulus
(prompting) or initiation. The result showed that there was a significant
increase in verbal communication when there was a stimulus (prompts) as
much as 67 %, while verbal communication with initiation was as much as
46 %. These research made a conclusion that this research showed
effectiveness Training Kita Semua Sahabat to increase communication
among children with SM, and more frequent verbal communication happens
if more stimuli was given to children with SM. Thus, this training could be
used to increase communication among children with SM.