Ritual activities with different goals are held by many people in Indonesia. One of them is performed in Pesarean Gunung Kawi, Malang, East Java. The purpose of this activity can be understood from the discourse that is spoken by modin in ritual of selamatan (celebrations of thanksgiving and/or to a...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: , Nuryani, , Prof. Dr. Soepomo Poedjosoedarmo
Format: Thesis
Published: [Yogyakarta] : Universitas Gadjah Mada 2014
Summary:Ritual activities with different goals are held by many people in Indonesia. One of them is performed in Pesarean Gunung Kawi, Malang, East Java. The purpose of this activity can be understood from the discourse that is spoken by modin in ritual of selamatan (celebrations of thanksgiving and/or to ask the blessings and favours from the God, gods, or souls). The study, titled \"Ritual Discourse: Case Studies on Ritual of Selamatan in Pesarean Gunung Kawi, Malang, East Java,\" aims to describe the ritual discourse structure by describing the use of language in ritual discourse, identifying, and explaining the diversity mindset that looks through ritual speech. This study uses the interpretation of the language used in local cultural activities. The recorded data of verbal utterances in the implementation of the ritual were transcribed and analyzed then. were Based on the analysis, some conclusions obtained. First, the discourse structure of ritual consists of three constituent parts, namely the opening, the content, and the closing. Opening section formed by elements of invitation, notification, request, and goal. The content formed by the notification and request elements. Meanwhile, the closing elements formed in Javanese are notification, request, and goal, while the closing elements formed in Arabic are statement and request elements. Second, the ritual�s utterances use three languages, the Javanese, Bahasa Indonesia and Arabic. Javanese is used as a respect for the addressee and the location of ritual is in Java. Bahasa Indonesia is used in the body as the reason for the language background of ritual diversity actors and as bridge for ritual actors who cannot use the Javanese and ritual actors who want to use the Indonesian language. The use of Bahasa Indonesian also proves of the existence of Javanese tolerance. Arabic is used as the closing for that people buried there is Muslim and because of the influence of Islam. The third is the mindset appeared through the languages that are used in utterances of selamatan. The mindset reflected through the use of Javanese consists of blessing and for-giving, regarding to Rosulullah and God, mistical belief. The Mindset appeared through the Indonesian language utterances is the thought about the secular need. The Mindset appeared through the use of the Arabic language includes refuge in God, The affection toward Muhammad, family, and followers, and the need for peace of mind. es The mindset of ritual actors seen through utterances stat that various uba rampe brought is to feed Kanjeng Eyang Penembahan. It is believed that before asking, people would be better if they give something first. Modin mindset is appeared through his seriousness and sincerity in leading the ritual activities reflecting that modin has a great responsibility in these rituals. Another mindset relate with the presence of Muhammad through the modin inviting to prayer as a form of belief that Muhammad was a man close to God. Associated with it, there is a view of the supreme being, namely God as the One Almighty. The existence of Eyang Djoego and Eyang Soedjo is considered as an intermediary that connects them to God, an older person (stained), and the one who glorified or honored.