Summary: | Technological development influence Public Relations (PR) practice. One
of technological development is social media. Many research, works, or articles
discuss about social media influence for PR practice. But the themes is dominated
by discussion about how PR practitioner use these social media to communicate
with public. It means, the discussion is about PR technical communication role.
Based on literature, there are two roles for PR: communication technician
role and managerial role. The presence of social media give chance for PR to do
managerial role. One of the managerial role is involvement in composing
organization strategic policy.
The empirical evidence about PR managerial role related to social media
showed by Communication Corporate Unit in Indonesian State-owned Electricy
Company or PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (written with PT PLN hereafter). The
Communication Corporate Unit in PT PLN involve in composing policy about
social media use for employee and internal organization. The policy are
formalized in Directors Circular Letter Number 015E/DIR/2012 about �Ethics in
Communication using Social Media and Digital Media in PT PLN\".
This research discussing about managerial role by Communication
Corporate Unit PT PLN in composing the social media policy. The research using
qualitative methods. The data collecting technics are interview, document studies,
and observation. The result showed Communication Corporate Unit PT PLN did
the managerial role, but the role is dominated by communicating policy activities.
There are several factors that infulence PR when they do the managerial role, such
as the organization formal recognition for PR role and function, the size of PR
departement, and the overlapping duty between PR and another unit in