Summary: | Pandanus is a genus that commonly grows in subtropic and tropic area like
Indonesia. Daily activities, Pandanus are used as a dye, food aromas and crafts
raw material. Pharmacologically, some species have been known as an antioxidant
material. The research purposes was to find out the antioxidant activity of the
seven species and its correlation with anatomical characters.
The paramaters measured included the antioxidant activity, total phenolic
content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC) and the anatomical characters. The
sample extraction was conducted using maceration method with methanol and
chloroform as the solvents. The antioxidant activity was measured using 1,1-
dyphenyl,2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method. Leaf anatomical characters
wereprepared using free hand section method and observed under light
microscope. The parameters measured were the thickness of leaf, cuticle, upper
and lower epidermal, upper and lower hypodermal, palisade parenkim and sponge
parenkim. Moreover the length of papillae and the amount of secretion cells were
also measured.The data were analyzed using Anova two ways and LSD test with
the corection levelα = 5%, After the anava analyzing, the correlation between
antioxidant activity and anatomical datas were analyzed using regression
correlation test.
The results show that antioxidant activity of the seven species of Pandanus
were obviously very low compared toquersetin. P. kurzii that was extracted with
methanol had the highest capability to capture free radical with percentage of
37,18%. Moreover, the correlation among total phenolic and flavonoid contents,
antioxidant activity and anatomical characters were analyzed using regression
correlation test. The results show that total phenolic and flavonoid contents have
positive correlation with antioxidant activity of methanolic extract. But, the
compounds have no correlation with antioxidant activity of chloroformic extract.
Positive correlation are also occur between the thickness of palisade and
antioxidant activity of chloroformic extract. The last, there were positive
correlation between the number of cell secretory and total phenolic content of
methanolic extract, total flavonoid content of methanolic extract and total
flavonoid content of chloroformic extract.