Summary: | In this research, wireless sensor network is developed to monitor home
energy consumption in real time. Wireless sensor network is built by utilizing
voltage and current sensor which is controlled by Arduino Uno microcontroller
and then it is connected with a wireless communication system using IEEE
802.15.4 protocol (Zigbee). The data collected fromthe nodes in a sensor network
is a measurement of electrical energy consumption per household customers such
as current and voltage and then for calculating rmsvalue of current and voltage,
apparent power, real power, power factor and the last one is energy consumption.
The readings from the sensors are transmitted wirelessly and then forwarded to
the Coordinator to the PC and displayed on the screen to be remotely monitored
periodically. This study focuses on the measurementof electrical energy.
Electric provider such as PLN can utilize the wireless sensor networks to
monitor electric energy usage per household customers so as to improve the time
efficiency and performance while minimizing measurement error in terms of
power recording manually by the customer. Customers can monitor the electric
energy usage that has been consumed in real time which is displayed on the LCD