Summary: | The Local Spatial Plan (RTRW) provides informations about land use of a
regional development. The Local Spatial Plan also plays an important role in
determining the location of the position and has an arrangement in the area of a
region. The Bantul Subdistrict has area of 2251,54 hectares with the population
density of 64,02 people/hectare. Over the time the increase of the population density
will affect the use of the land in the region. This is caused by land conversion, that
need evaluation of land use based on RTRW of Bantul Subdistrict.
This study used multiple data, such as Quickbird imagery in 2011, Bantul
Subdistrict administrative boundary map, RTRW map of land use at Bantul
Subdistrict and land use data obtained by observation on the field. The first step was
cutting the image by using administrative boundary of Bantul Subdistrict. That image
is used as the basis of visually image interpretation to produce map of land use in
2013. The map of land use in 2013 was overlaid with the RTRW map of land use at
Bantul Subdistrict from 2010 to 2030. The final step was doing the evaluation of the
suitability or unsuitability land use of Bantul Subdistrict in 2013 with RTRW of land
use at Bantul Subdistrict from 2010 to 2030.
The results obtained from this study is the number of classes on the land use
in the Bantul Subdistrict from the visual interpretation is gotten 7 classes of land use
and after field check was done to land use obtained to 8 classes of land use. This
study also obtained the percentage level of land use suitability by 63,18% and
unsuitability by 36,81% from comparison result of land use in 2013 with RTRW of
land use at Bantul Subdistrict from 2010 to 2030.