Summary: | A long term marriage is a marriage that has been experienced
by couples with 50 years of marriage or over. This marriage is a
special case where not everyone can get through it. Individuals
that are successful in achieving everlasting marriage shares
important moments with their couple for years. Such events are
distinctive meaning in their marriage life. The meaning of a
marriage is a meaningful feeling, thought, and significance for
someone in their life
The purpose of this research by using phenomenology analysis
is to understand the meaning of marriage of couple with 50
years old of marriage or over. This research also attempts to
find other important information on conflicts inside marriage,
ways to solve the conflicts, and influential factors in elderly
couple in maintaining marriage.
Research results show that the meaning of marriage for elderly
is an attempt in perserving and maintaining commitment to
achieve main purposes in marriage which are formed by loyalty,
acceptance of each other, supports from partner, self
adaptation, and influence of social environment. Conflicts occur
in marriage caused by elderly couples� inability to adapt with
their couple�s physical, psychological, and social decreasing
condition. Conflict resolutions on this problem are repressing
emotion, making compromies, tolerance, and avoiding. The
elderly couples� reasons to maintain their marriage of over than
50 years are the desire to have life partner, emotional
calmness, affections, and the fear of social punishment.