Summary: | This research is an effort to analyze and to make a clear mapping on
contemporary Arab-Muslim intellectuals thought after the defeat of the Arab-
Israeli war in 1967 AD, then known as the �Arab Defeatism.� The Six-Day War
taking place on June 1967 was disaster for the Arab world and terminated the
ideology of Pan-Arab Nationalism and generated the rise of four competing selfcriticism
ideologies: Liberal Criticism, Marxist Criticism, Nationalist Criticism,
and Fundamentalist Criticism. The ideologies claimed to have their own solutions
to the Arab decadence. In this context, Hasan Hanafi�s thought committed to have
a real contribution for the Arab-Egyptian future. One of his efforts is to offer a
constructive-critique on the problem of Islamic Fundamentalism which he viewed
as the last ideology after the failure of secular ideologies.
This research has three main questions: (i) How is the trend of Arab-
Muslim intellectual�s thought in the Modern Era and after the Arab defeat of 1967
until 2000s? (ii) How is the intellectual background of Hasan Hanafi? (iii) Why
Hasan Hanafi criticized Islamic fundamentalism? To what level such critiques
addressed? What theories and methodologies he used and how these theories and
methodologies have contribution to the problem of Islamic fundamentalism? To
answer these three research questions, I offer some theories on Arab intellectual�s
thought, thought and ideology relations, and theories on the role of Third World
intellectuals (Arab-Muslim). I also used post-colonial approach in a standard
meaning that is to reveal every kind of dominations, including religious
dogmatism. The works of Hasan Hanafi become main resources and than
analyzed by critical reading method, it dose not mean to explain the meaning of
the text but on the contrary it intend to produce a new text.
This research finally found four major conclusions. First, regarding to the
development of contemporary Arab intellectual�s thought, Islamic
fundamentalism tends to be a dominant ideology since modern era and after the
Arab defeat of 1967. Second, Hasan Hanafi as one of the Arab intellectuals after
the Arab defeat, he seems to be a liberal thinker by re-interpreting Islamic heritage
(tur�st) as its main feature. Third, Hanafi�s critiques on Islamic fundamentalism
do not intend to deconstruct the ideology otherwise he proposed to re-interpret the
doctrinal discourse applied by the fundamentalists from Theo-centric thinking to
anthropocentric thinking. The last, fundamentalist left or yas�r al-ushūliyyah
proposed by Hanafi not only functioned as a critique but also as a solution to the
stagnation of fundamentalist-conservative thinking.